Improving acoustics with greenery!

Tips & Tricks
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Planting plays a very important role in improving acoustics within an (office) environment. Discover in this article the various green solutions we can offer you to create better acoustics.

The importance of good acoustics

Acoustics are crucial for creating a productive and pleasant working environment. Poor acoustics can lead to stress, fatigue, and reduced productivity. Therefore, enhancing the acoustics in a space is essential when designing offices. Greenery plays an important role in this. Planting or moss walls, for example, can significantly reduce sound reflection within a space and thus improve its acoustics.

We can provide you with various green solutions that enhance the acoustics of office spaces. Read on to learn more about these options.

Solutions for spaces with reflective materials

Many office spaces have walls, floors, ceilings, and partitions made of hard materials, such as concrete and glass. Hard materials reflect sound instead of absorbing it, leading to increased reverb and echo. This effect can be mitigated by applying greenery to the walls. Consider, for example, moss paintings or living green walls with plants.


Moss paintings and walls

Moss paintings and walls offer not only an aesthetic solution but also excellent sound absorption. Moss naturally has a dense, often hairy structure, which captures sound waves.

In our range, you will find various moss paintings in standard sizes, but we can also offer you custom-made solutions. Think for instance of large moss paintings, possibly with a company logo, or a combination of moss and artificial or preserved plants. Contact us to explore the possibilities!


Living green walls

A living green wall with dozens to hundreds of small plants is not only an eye-catcher at entrances but also an excellent sound absorber in office spaces. These walls also significantly improve air quality. There are various options for green wall systems, often combined with small hydroculture plants. Discover our range of hydroplants here!

Acoustics akoestiek mos

Acoustic solutions for open office spaces

Large open spaces with high ceilings are popular in modern office buildings. While they promote collaboration, they can cause sounds to spread far. Office planting and the placement of dividers between workstations offer a perfect solution here.


Office planting

Even a few plants in a space can make a difference in the acoustics of an area. It is even better to group plants of different heights. Preferably choose plants with a large leaf volume, such as Ficus lyrata, Spathiphyllum, or Strelitzia. Ideally, place the plants not in the middle of a space, but in locations where sound reflection is high, such as in corners and against walls. You can also use hanging plants to reduce noise reflection at higher ceilings.

Did you know that at Nieuwkoop Europe you can order fully assembled plant-pot assemblies? You choose the desired plants and planters; we get to work to assemble these for you. Thus, you receive professionally assembled plant-pot combinations directly at your desired location. Set up your assemblies from your shopping cart or shop directly from our pre-selected plant displays!



In a large space where multiple people and sometimes various departments work, it may be a good idea to screen workstations with dividers. Be creative here. For example, place several tall plants together in a rectangular planter to create a natural divider. Another possibility is a moss divider; these have a high sound-absorbing capacity. Small rectangular planters with beautiful plants can also be placed on the edges of desks to dampen the sound between workstations.

akoestiek divider
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